The Clean Coder Chapter 11 & 12

Chapter 11:

This chapter gets into the topic of doing what you are supposed to do, and what you’ve learned to do, even under pressure. Your training and experience has taught you to be calm and decisive and use your time wisely. It is also controlling and avoiding this pressure so it doesn’t become a problem in the first place. I personally sometimes have trouble doing this because I am very driven by the deadline, being under pressure helps me complete my work on time and drives me to finish what I have to do. But I did read that it would be best to avoid situations of pressure, to try to spread it out over a longer period of time to lessen its stress. It also talks about commitments and how they shouldn’t be made if they seem unrealistic, and the risk should be shown to the business to they can manage it the right way. It also talks about how you should make sure that there are no messes in your code, and you keep it clean. Most of all, do not panic, because worrying about it will not help you in any way, just take your time and don’t rush your work and follow your disciplines. If all else fails, go to a team member.

Chapter 12:

This chapter talks about how most programs and software are made in teams and that it is more professional to work in teams rather than a loner. Collaboration is one of the most important parts of programming. Even though sometimes it might be hard to get along with someone who isn’t really in your social circle, and you might even like to work alone, be focused all by yourself with no one to bother you, it is much better to work with people because you see the same problem from different perspectives and be able to solve issues you might have missed working by yourself. But with advantages come disadvantages, you should always make sure you know what the people who pay you are thinking and what their goals are. Your most important needs are to meet the needs of your boss. This means you would have to know all that is going on around you and interact with managers, analysts, and other team members. It is important to support everyone around you and keep your business afloat, and to do this you need to deeply understand everything that is going on around you, including your short term and long term team goals. You should always make sure that the code you are writing is accessible to the whole team and not just you, everyone needs to be able to work on it and make changes, not just you, and that is how you learn from each other. Sometimes pairing is the most efficient way to solve problems or debug. I understand this because most of the times if I ever get stuck on anything I always go to someone for help.

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